Records and Qualifications
- Registered at the Instituto de Contadores Públicos Autorizados de la República Dominicana (ICPARD)
- Registered as Independent Auditors at the IADB (Interamerican Development Bank)
- Recognized as Auditors by the Inter-American Foundation, organization dependent on the U.S. Senate
- Full members of the Forum of the Firms of the IFAC
- Recognized as Auditors for the USAID projects
- Recognized by the Superintendence of Banks
- Recognized by the Superintendence of Pensions
- Recognized by the Superintendence of Insurance
- Recognized by the Superintendence of Stock Exchange of the Dominican Republic (SIV)
- Registered as Independent Auditors of the USAID
- US Stock Exchange Commission, throughout our NY offices, having the capacity of issuing financial statements for those entities regulated by the SEC.